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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Employee Profile > Employee Pay Setup >
Direct Credit

Direct Credit stores bank account for employees who are paid by "Pay Scheme = Direct". Multiple bank accounts can be set to allow pay split.

  1. Steps to Maintain record
  2. Setup multiple bank accounts
  3. Alerts

1. Steps to Maintain record

  1. Assign security access to menu: "HR328-4 - Employee Pay Setup -> Direct Credit"
  2. Add/Edit the record
  3. Enter the following details:
      Field  Description
     Paycode  List of Paycodes  filtered by "Paycode Types: Banking"
     Bank Branch  Bank Branch Number or BSB Number
     Account No  Enter the bank account number provided by the employee. Refer to the Bank File Export for account number formats for specific banks.
     Account Name  Enter the account name of the account number
     Amount  Set the amount as 0 to transact the Net Pay to this bank. See "Setup multiple bank accounts"

2. Setup multiple bank accounts

If the employee wishes to split the net pay into separate banks, then enter the amount for each bank.

For example, Employee earns $3,000 per pay and requested to deposit $1,000 in BSP bank and $2,000 in ANZ Bank.

  1. Add the details for BSP and set the amount as $1,000.00
  2. Add the details for ANZ and set the amount as 0.

When the pay is processed, $1,000 will be transacted to BSP and the remaining value will be deposited in ANZ.

3. Alerts

The following alerts are available:

 Menu  Code  Description Default Value
 Configuration  mail_employee_duplicate_BankAccount_flag  Send an email alert when a duplicate "Bank Account Number" is entered in menu "Employee Profile ~> Pay Direct Credit". This alert is sent to configurations "Payroll email address" and "HR email address".  Y

Figure 1: Employee Direct Credit